Stopover 4 of the Refugee Walk from St Albans into Westminster
Tuesday 10 July 2018, 7pm
St Matthias Church
Chorus of Dissent and the Elastic Band are delighted to sing for, and host, a stopover as part of this year’s walk in solidarity with refugees, asylum seekers and detainees to call for an end to indefinite detention.
Walkers will be telling stories in the style of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales while making their annual pilgrimage to Westminster – this year from St Albans. Jonathan Bartley co-leader of the Green Party is hosting the evening, featuring The Social Worker’s take told by former detainee Bernardine Evaristo.
There will also be a special poetry exhibition by children at William Patten School.
We are delighted to welcome walkers to stay overnight at St Matthias Halls, and can’t wait to meet them